Monday, March 17, 2025


Revisiting Death

Less than a week ago (March 6), a very popular music/rap icon passed away after a painful and protracted bout against leukemia (AML). He's the forever young Francis Magalona, a.k.a. Francis M--his 44 years looks like just 22--that baby-faced. His fight against this kind of stubborn cancer is well-publicized. Many people unrelated to him, including me felt the loss, as if losing a brother. This incident made me revisit our old friend--death.

Death is a friend, but we don't seek it, it seeks us. It becomes an enemy if we actively long to see him. It's a mystery why some go through a lot of pain and suffering before he comes. It comes to some with no pain at all. Don't get me wrong, euthanasia is an abominable sin; as Christians, we accept the suffering and pain with its coming, as if it replaces our purgatory.

We should not dread death. I believe in God's mercy and we will surely have an opportunity to ask for mercy, only God knows when. One nanosecond on earth may represent a very long time in that instant when mercy is offered. Besides, death is the door to life, life of glory up there. "...Beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life (Jude 20-21 RSV)."

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