Monday, March 17, 2025


Guide the Children

A few hours ago, a nephew asked me about the meaning of some words he's trying to read from the computer screen. It's in fancy fonts and written in Spanish. In decades past, children were familiar with Spanish. That's not the point anyway...

The problem phrase in Spanish was: "Cinco Diablo". It pertains to the title of the music album of a certain band he's scrutinizing. I told him it stands for "five devil" [maybe that's five devils], and warned him of the dangers of being attracted to such things--the name might become a reality--meaning the devil might influence him sooner or later. It's laughable I have to admit, but who knows? It's similar to playing with ouija boards, e.g.; dangerous to the soul.

Then I asked the name of the band. I was surprised the group's name was "Saliva". What? I'm wondering, if such are the band name and album titles, the lyrics would also be garbage. I then intended to speak to his parents about this seemingly innocent stuff. That I'm going to do, but lest I forget, at least many of you readers out there get to read it first.

What is it about these stupid music that kids like? Worse, it might be something about bad or even "evil" lyrics. And the effect? I can only guess!

Please investigate these kinds of music! Let's guide our children, and make the good, the holy, and the moral attractive to them...

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