
Portugal: Abortion Referendum

There was failure of the recent referendum in Portugal that should have legalized abortion. That's great but the results were not so good. Since only about 40% turned out to vote (below the required 50%), the anti-abortion side won. But among those who voted, about 60% were for legalizing abortion. I'm disappointed because if all practicing Catholics voted against legalizing abortions, then that would have been a very strong signal against preborn killing. Where are the people? Why didn't they vote? Although the vote was a failure, it shows that the culture of death has overwhelmed Europe. Perhaps the only remaining Catholic country in Europe is the Vatican (Holy See)! Everyone else allows abortions to exterminate our babies!

No wonder the traditionally Christian population of the First World is decreasing exponentially. The large families are becoming extinct. And you know what? Immigration from the Muslim world will one day overwhelm Europe and efforts to increase the population will be in vain.

The signs of the times are all over, but no one is listening. The prophets have spoken... What's our response?

1 comment:

Charlie Anicete said...

The statement, "Immigration from the Muslim world will one day overwhelm Europe..." is not intended against Muslims; it's only a sociocultural phenomenon. If I explain a bit it goes this way... Let's imagine for a while that Iran is a first world country and everyone is emigrating there (much like what's going on in Europe and U.S.). Let's say a lot are Christian or Jewish or any other religion. Some people who are Muslims (because Iran is overwhelmingly Muslim) may say that their country is being overwhelmed by Christians. Now you see my point. I have nothing against Muslims (I think Islam means peace in Arabic?). Let's not look back at the past; look to the future. The quarrels regarding religion turn away other people from God, one reason why some people are atheists. Regardless of religion or ideology, love conquers all. God be with all!