Two thousand six was the year 3 of our folks passed away: Tita Adíng, Tito Ben and Tito Áble, all Anicéte brothers and sisters (Tito Pol's siblings for those who may not know them) whom we all love. Tito Áble just passed yesterday, and we all grieve with his loving widow Tita Atríng, and children Diding, Paeng, Omar, Tess, Kiks, Cathy, Leah, Grace and Anoy (sorry if I missed a name), and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Someday we'll all get together in that great mansion that Christ prepared to all.
Then 2 of our cousins continued with that cycle of life: Sonny married Juzy, and Regina wed Cliff in June and October, respectively. Dennis and Tina gave birth to Neo Dennis Jr. last 7 December, and likewise Kuya Dodo and Jen brought a baby (what's the name?) days before Christmas. Let's all pray that graces always come their way, and everything turns up well.
Several devastating typhoons also visited us (as always because we're in the typhoon belt), and one in particular (Durian) destroyed Bicol, particularly Albay, and killed several people around Mayon Volcano. All over the world, violence and darkness are on the headlines. Saddam Hussein was hanged with mixed reactions (I'm against the death penalty by the way) among his people. I don't know if there will ever be peace in the Middle East, especially with Iran's president's rhetorics (he wants to erase Israel from the map, remember?).
With all these things happening in 2006, some people are now hopeless and afraid of the coming year. But all we have to do is "only to be still, and God will fight for us" (cf. Exodus 14.14). Let's pray for this needed grace, and trust in Jesus, whether we're down or up.
Happy New Year to all! May 2007 Anno Domini be a wonderful year for all of us.
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